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Dear Customers,

Japan Partner Inc is glad to announce that now we can offer brand new cars for all most popular models and makes. We have been working hard to provide our valued customers with the opportunity to purchase the cars directly from the factory. As you may know, it is almost impossible to acquire a brand new car directly from Japan for export. One of the main reasons for it, is that manufacturers do not want you to go around regional dealer channels. Regional dealers add on a considerable margin on the brand new cars, combined with high corporate taxes they have to pay for importing brand new cars. As a result, it is around 20-50% cheaper to purchase a brand new car from Japan rather than from a local regional dealer. Trying to help our customers to acquire a brand new quality car directly from the factory with considerably lower cost, was one of our main projects during last two years. We have been working hard with our local Japanese partners to make sure that our customers have a unique opportunity to do so.

Below you can choose any models that you are interested in and see its details. Once you click on the model, you will have a basic description and pictures. Please note that pictures are displayed for informative purpose only. Most models come with several different engines and grades. In addition to each grade you can choose the additional maker options you may want. Please note that on average it takes around 4 – 8 weeks to purchase a brand new car. Sometimes (not often though) the desired car can be in stock so the waiting time could be shorten.

Once you decide to place an order, please do it a regular way or send us an email to

We look forward to hearing from you soon,

Thank you


RX Models

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